Our Team

We are a diverse, passionate team of problem solvers, dedicated to improving healthcare capacity and access to those who need it most. We believe that appropriate technology can catalyze significant change. We listen to our users and design with humility. We collaborate creatively with our partners to continually improve our technology with the sole purpose to benefit any user, anywhere in the world. The problems we aim to solve are challenging and global in nature.

Alexander Carlsson

Alexander Carlsson

Tester | QA Tester

Barbra Marden

Barbra Marden

Business Development | Partner Success Lead

Barry Finette

Barry Finette

Physician Scientist and Entrepreneur | Co-Founder and President

Barry Heath

Barry Heath

Physician | Product & Innovation

Becky Castle

Becky Castle

Business Development | Partnerships

Bryan Boudreau

Bryan Boudreau

Computer Science | Engineering

Eamon Penney

Eamon Penney

Public Health | Implementation Lead

Hans Elde

Hans Elde

Software Engineering | Full Stack Engineer

Kathy Coughlin

Kathy Coughlin

Biomedical | Software Project Management

Megan Johnson

Megan Johnson

Public Health | Data Analyst

Megan McLaughlin

Megan McLaughlin

Global Health | Research & Implementation

Michael Gautsch

Michael Gautsch

Engineering | Software Project Management

Ned Murphy

Ned Murphy

Engineering | Senior Engineer

Nick Donowitz

Nick Donowitz

Business Development | Strategy & Operations

Ollin Langle-Chimal

Ollin Langle-Chimal

Complex Systems & Data Science | Data Scientist

Sophie Foreman

Sophie Foreman

Engineering | UX Engineer

Parker Cornbrooks

Parker Cornbrooks

Engineering | Software Development

Tammy Sutherns

Tammy Sutherns

MPH | Senior Associate

Interested in joining the team?

Our Advisors

Charles MaCormack, PhD

Cherian Philip

Chris Powell

Ezra Mount-Finette

John Canning

John Rosenblum

Kalu-Kalu Ugwuomo, Jr.

Kenneth Gordon, JD

Mark Heyman

Meredith Shields

Dr. Nirmal Ravi

Pete Mooney, MBA

Robert Gilman, MD

Sam Scarpino, PhD

Our Board

Anita McGahan, PhD, MBA

Barry Finette

Barry Heath

Bobby Jefferson

Chris Powell

Debra Stenner

Lynn Kanyuuru

Michael Friedman