2 AUGUST 2023

Schools as the first step in healthcare.

Children and adolescents make up about 25% of the global population, but they account for 40% of all preventable deaths. A number of barriers exist for school-aged children to access healthcare including language, transportation, parental permission/resources, system barriers and cost. Children who are sick are more likely to miss school, have difficulty concentrating and learning and experience emotional and social problems.

Organizations across the globe are finding ways to keep children healthy and in school, revolutionizing the education-health model. Schools and school teachers are becoming the primary healthcare providers that their communities need.

Within a panel discussion format moderated by Professor David Birch, stakeholders shared their thoughts, experiences and expertise on schools as the first step in healthcare on 2 August. Access the recording and key takeaways to learn more!


THINKMD hosts a series of opportunities to provide an accessible platform for global health dialogue, in the from of Virtual Open MIC events. No long presentations, no text-heavy slides; this is short, sharp and to the point with expertise and thought leadership at the forefront. This is a forum for all voices on important and challenging global health topics, from the individual beneficiaries and frontline health workers to the content experts and leaders. THINKMD’s role? Simply to help facilitate dialogue.

Facilitated by THINKMD.

july august thinkmd open mic