Primary Healthcare

Fifty-percent of the world does not have access to a clinician. THINKMD’s clinical intelligence and data analytics platform is deployed in communities where quality healthcare is not easily accessible, supporting our partners’ missions to ensure that nobody is left behind .

Regardless of the level of clinical skill a frontline health worker has, THINKMD’s platform can be used on or offline to identify how sick a person is, what illnesses they may have and what appropriate next steps to take, with triage, treatment and care plan recommendations correlating up to 95% to that of a clinician. The platform increases clinical protocol adherence by at least 40% while reducing healthcare training and frontline health worker supervising costs by 50%, strengthening health programs where it matters – the frontline. Data collected at the point of care creates powerful insights for KPI monitoring, users and program M&E, population health monitoring, predictive disease modeling, health and behavior change intervention and research and development.

Learn more about our partners in rural /community health below. Contact THINKMD if you would like to utilize the THINKMD platform in your rural / community health program.

Partner project status
  • All
  • Current Projects (3)
  • Past Projects (1)

Health Providers with ALIGHT

Linking newborn children and children under 5 in Sudan to healthcare through nurses and physicians, who are trained to use clinical intelligence technology.

Pharmacists with Goodlife Pharmacy Kenya

Linking newborn children and pregnant or new mothers to healthcare in Kenya through pharmacy stores, which offer mom and baby health assessment services on a mobile app, underpinned by clinical intelligence technology, in the mom and baby aisle.

Community Health Workers with Integrate Health

In Togo, Integrate Health-supported Community Health Workers use THINKMD technology to manage their work more effectively. Clinical intelligence is guiding them through patient consultations with improved data feedback loop. This leads to better quality of healthcare for patients.
Schedule a demo to see how THINKMD’s platform works, supporting anyone on the frontlines of healthcare to tap into clinical expertise.