A goal to reach 25 million in 5 years

THINKMD’s mission is to build impactful digital health and data analytics solutions. THINKMD develops digital clinical intelligence technology that can be used to build frontline health worker based workforces with increased clinical capacity. This is done by transferring physician based knowledge and skill sets while utilizing critical healthcare and primary healthcare delivery data capture through its use to guide data driven solutions, leading to significant impacts in healthcare at a reduced cost compared to current approaches. Imagine if we could empower hundreds of thousands of frontline health workers with this ability and reach communities with high quality health encounters.

25 Million
in 5 Years

By 2027, THINKMD aims
to have reached

Quality Health
Encounters (QHEs).

Our Impact




estimated total population served


clinical diseases and condition risks assessed


key danger signs assessed

Impact at the core

As a global health benefit corporation, THINKMD has an ethical and legal obligation to build a product that has positive social impact, and thus is committed to measure, understand, and report our company’s impact. THINKMD’s primary focus is to improve health outcomes by increasing access to quality healthcare, as well as developing data driven solutions to measure and demonstrate how our technology contributes to positive health outcomes, as well as other aspects of primary healthcare delivery globally.

THINKMD believes that by contributing to successful collaborations and partnerships, we:

  • Build relationships to expand our ability to improve and study the healthcare impact of our technology
  • Demonstrate the value of engaging with partners to identify challenges and to develop effective and sustainable solutions
  • Showcase the importance of acquiring, analyzing and actionizing data from each point-of-care encounter to improve quality healthcare to the individual and community where it currently does not exist
thinkmd technology interface
Our goals
THINKMD’s technology, as one part of the health system, transcends boundaries and removes geographic aspects of where people live or currently are, the language they speak, and the clinical experience they have, to help bridge the gap to better health. THINKMD technology brings healthcare to the community; the foundation of global health.
Multiple stakeholders including local and international organizations, and local and national ministries, can gain insight from de-identified, aggregate information captured at each clinical encounter, including:

  • ways to improve healthcare delivery
  • timely details about population health (prevalence/incidence)
  • insight into short/long-term health outcomes
  • a better understanding of healthcare delivery (referral, treatment)
  • the ability to provide supportive supervision and targeted re-training
  • information on how to more effectively allocate resources (including human resources for health, commodities and money)
  • the capacity to consistently monitor and evaluate a program for improvement.
Externally, in collaboration with our implementing partners, THINKMD monitors our impact in the following ways:

  • Supporting the monitoring and evaluation process of our partners;
  • Supporting key performance indicators monitoring and reporting of our partners;
  • Supporting our partners to tracking short/long-term health outcomes;
  • Administering partner implementation and technology Usability/Acceptability surveys to all partners;
  • Sharing what we learn from implementation (impact reports) or research (white papers and manuscripts) with the greater digital and global health sectors;
  • Understanding how THINKMD technology can contribute to reduced morbidity and mortality;
  • Understanding how THINKMD technology can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Strategically partnering with entities that want to generate data driven insight and predictive analytics for the global good (e.g. open source data hubs).
Impacting partners across the globe

“Utilizing THINKMD’s diagnostic technology has greatly improved access to quality healthcare services, as well as our ability to provide a higher level of care across the board.”

Wardere Abdikarim, ALIGHT

"We enter all the information while treating the children with the app, you can no longer forget questions or advice to give to patients."

CHW, Togo

“Our pharmacists will now have the skills and tools to support moms and babies so that they can make informed healthcare decisions thereafter.”

Amaan Khalfan, Goodlife Pharmacy
Want to be part of THINKMD’s impact?